If you are injured and unable to work, Shaheen & Gordon, P.A. is here to fight for the benefits you deserve. Contact us to schedule an appointment with a New Hampshire Social Security Disability lawyer. Initial consultations are completely free and confidential.
New Hampshire Social Security Disability Appeals Attorney
Pursuing the Compensation You Deserve
Are you looking to receive social security benefits? It can be incredibly frustrating to wait for your disability benefits, only to find out that they have been denied. But it is important to remember that you can appeal denied claims. With the assistance of a dedicated attorney from Shaheen & Gordon, P.A., we can help you obtain the compensation you deserve and help you throughout the appeals process. It is important that you act quickly to speak with an attorney from our firm to help you get started and file for your appeals.
If you qualify for benefits and you were still denied, it is important that you work with an attorney. Your appeal can be very involved and when you work with a lawyer from Shaheen & Gordon, P.A., we will help you file the correct forms and establish that you are truly disabled and assist you in obtaining the benefits you need. The appeals process involves reconsideration, which is an informal review of your benefits and why they have been denied or scheduled to stop followed by an administrative hearing. IF you are still denied, you may see your case move up to the Social Security National appeals Council and finally have your appeal filed in a federal court.
What is needed for an SSD appeal in New Hampshire?
In order to file an appeal for Social Security benefits, you will need to complete either a Form SSA-561-U2 for reconsideration of your claims or a Form SSA-3441-BK if your benefits have been denied. In situations where you have already been receiving Social Security benefits and a motion has been put into place to discontinue your benefits, it is important that you complete a Form SSA-789-U4 and a Form SSA-3441-BK. You may also want to consider receiving additional doctor’s notes and medical records to give you a better chance of having your appeal be approved.