New Hampshire Prenuptial Agreement Attorney
There is often a great amount of misunderstanding when it comes to the topic of prenuptial agreements. Marriage is viewed as one of our society’s most sacred bonds. Arguments against a prenuptial agreement are that it makes a marriage into a financial agreement rather than an intimate bond of love. These agreements, however, can be considered as an intelligent decision for many couples because it forces the individuals to consider the financial ramifications of marriage. In the event of divorce, a prenuptial agreement can also prevent unnecessary conflict and preserve the family dynamic.
Information from a New Hampshire Divorce Attorney
There are many requirements for a couple to meet prior to establishing a prenuptial agreement. If you are preparing for marriage, you can speak with a New Hampshire attorney from our firm to find out what steps to take for a prenuptial agreement. We can also help you prepare each document that is required. The prenuptial agreement must be in writing and must be done voluntarily by both parties. This agreement cannot be established if it is discovered that any party signed under pressure from the other individual.
New Hampshire Prenuptial Agreement Laws
The state of New Hampshire has not yet made the decision to follow the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act (UPAA). The Act’s purpose is to set standards and restrictions for those hoping to make a prenuptial agreement. New Hampshire prenuptial agreement laws, however, are very similar to the UPAA. Prenuptial agreements have many purposes.
One of the primary goals is to protect both parties in the event of divorce. If the couple later decides to end the marriage, the prenuptial agreement can help protect the rights of each party.