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Divorce & Family Law

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Divorce & Family Law
Divorce & Family Law

Can my Spouse and I Share the Same Divorce Lawyer in NH?

Couples getting a divorce often want to avoid a lengthy, expensive, and contentious process. One idea people often have is to share an attorney. If it is uncontested, why would you need your own attorney anyway? Don’t you only need

How to Handle Relocation of a Minor Child in New Hampshire

The dynamics of family life are ever-evolving, and with these changes often comes the need for individuals to relocate, whether for career opportunities, family considerations, or personal reasons. When parents are divorced and children are involved, however, the situation becomes

Understanding the Impact of Divorce on Children

Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged process that can have a significant impact on all parties involved, especially children. As parents navigate the challenging terrain of ending a marriage, it is crucial to recognize and understand the potential effects

Navigating a Divorce in New Hampshire When You’re Over 60

Divorce affects all age groups. It is not just limited to newlyweds or empty nesters. Divorce for people in their 60s and 70s is becoming increasingly common. Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process at any age, but for

The Perils of Private Child Support Modifications

Child support orders are court orders. As such, parties cannot enter private agreements to modify those orders. Any private agreement to modify must be approved by the court to be effective. Failure to do so can have significant consequences. In

Domestic Violence & Abusive Behavior Directed at Third Parties

By Andrew Piela In many domestic violence situations, the accused does not always focus their abusive conduct on the victim. Instead, the abusive conduct may be directed at third persons, such as another household member or even a pet. The

Post Petition Contact Between Victim And Abuser Does Not Warrant Dismissal Of Domestic Violence Petition

In the recent case of S.C. v. G.C. (decided May 11, 2022), the Supreme Court recognized that, as many victims of domestic violence have contact with the defendant after the alleged abuse has occurred, that fact, standing alone, does not warrant the

Can a Court Award Parental Rights to a Stepparent?

One issue that the New Hampshire Supreme Court has struggled with is whether a family court has the ability to award parental rights to a person who is not the biological nor adoptive parent of the child. On one hand,

How to Ensure a Family Law Court Order Is Upheld: Why Is as Important as What

At the end of your family law or divorce legal proceedings, a court order will be issued. A court order must do two things: First, it must tell the parties what they need to do. Second, and perhaps more important,

Voluntary Unemployment & Child Support In The Era Of Covid-19

One of the many impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic was a tremendous number of involuntary layoffs. Suddenly, persons who once held lucrative positions that allowed them to meet their day-to-day bills were now struggling to make ends meet. This often

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