Attorney Christine Craig, acting as local counsel for Plaistow, NH plaintiff Karen Bartlett, won a $21,060,000 jury verdict in Federal District Court in Concord. The verdict is considered the largest ever awarded in the State of New Hampshire. The suit alleged that Mutual Pharmaceutical Co., the maker of a prescription drug called Sulindac, caused Ms. Bartlett to suffer a reaction so severe that she is now blind and scarred by internal and external burns. Sulindac is a generic form of the drug Clinoril, which Ms. Bartlett’s doctor had prescribed as an anti-inflammatory to ease shoulder pain. Plaintiff argued that Sulindac was a defective and unreasonably dangerous drug that posed unnecessarily high risks to consumers. After three weeks of trial, the jury spent three full days in deliberations before declaring their ground-breaking verdict. Read about Shaheen & Gordon’s Personal Injury Practice Group.