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Jared P. O’Connor


Jared P. O’Connor

Jared has spent his legal career advocating on behalf of injured workers in all fields, from firefighters and police officers to pipefitters and electricians; construction workers and white-collar professionals to healthcare workers and teachers; and delivery drivers of all stripes, from FedEx and UPS to Amazon or Domino’s. After graduating from the University of New Hampshire, Jared worked as a chef, freelance journalist, and media analyst before attending Boston College Law School in 2000. After earning his law degree, he entered private practice and quickly built a reputation for vigorous and compassionate advocacy on behalf of his workers’ compensation clients, protecting their rights, winning benefits, and, when necessary, taking their cases to the New Hampshire Supreme Court to establish important victories that have changed the law for New Hampshire citizens. Jared has presented over 75 cases to the Supreme Court, including ones that have made it easier for injured workers to recover for their repetitive stress injuries and broadened job reinstatement rights. He also won the first state Supreme Court case in the nation to hold workers’ compensation insurance carriers responsible for reimbursing claimants for the cost of medical marijuana.

Jared is Governor at Large for the New Hampshire Association for Justice, for whom he is chair of the Workers’ Compensation Section and is a member of the national Workers’ Injury Law & Advocacy Group. He was appointed as the lone attorney to the NH Governor’s Commission to Study the Incidence of PTSD in First Responders and is the claimant counsel representative at the NH Workers’ Compensation Appeals Advisory Board. He regularly testifies before the New Hampshire Legislature on pending laws that will affect injured workers and is a routine lecturer at state and regional legal education seminars on workers’ compensation.

Jared’s incisive legal analysis, good humor, and tenacious-but-practical attitude toward cases has earned him the loyalty of his clients, as well as professional accolades. He has been repeatedly recognized as a Super Lawyer in the field of workers’ compensation and is the recipient of the Granite State Advocate Award from the New Hampshire Association for Justice.

  • New Hampshire State Bar
  • U.S. District Court, District of New Hampshire
  • Partner, Shaheen & Gordon, P.A., 2015-present
  • Partner, Gawryl, MacAllister & O’Connor, 2011-2015
  • Associate, Gawryl & MacAllister, 2003-2011
  • Fellow, The College of Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
  • New Hampshire Association for Justice, Governor at Large, Co-chair of Legislative Committee
  • New Hampshire Bar Association, Workers’ Compensation Section
  • American Inns of Court
  • Named Lawyer of the Year by Best Lawyers for Workers’ Compensation Law – Claimants, Manchester 2025
  • Recognized in The Best Lawyers in America since 2024 for work in Workers’ Compensation Law – Claimants
  • Selected to Super Lawyers 2021-2024
  • NHAJ Granite State Advocate Award, 2019
  • NHAJ Board of Governors Award, 2015
  • Selected to Super Lawyers Rising Stars 2012-2013
  • B.A., University of New Hampshire, cum laude, 1995
  • J.D., Boston College Law School, magna cum laude, 2003
  • Order of the Coif
  • BC Environmental Affairs Law Review, Editor, 2002 – 2003

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Each case is different and case results referred to in this website are not intended to be, nor should they be understood as, a representation that equivalent results will be achieved in any given case.

  • $357,000 in combined workers compensation and personal injury settlement for worker who suffered a debilitating hip injury following a job-related auto accident
  • $250,000 for an auto transport worker with a fractured pelvis
  • $240,000 for mechanic yard worker with a crush injury to the leg
  • $230,000 for equipment technician with a lumbar back injury
  • $185,000 for a construction worker whose cervical radiculopathy was aggravated by auto accident while on the job
  • $90,000 for a dry cleaner employee who developed bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Appeal of Andrew Panaggio, __ N.H. __ (2019) (Worker’s compensation; does New Hampshire’s therapeutic cannabis statute (RSA 126-X) or federal law prohibit an injured worker from seeking reimbursement for the use of medical marijuana?)
  • Appeal of Carlos Marti, __ N.H. __ (2016) (argued 2/10/16, decision pending) (Workers’ compensation; can an employee who was fired because he sought medical treatment for his workers compensation injury demand reinstatement to his job and recover lost wages from his employer?)
  • Appeal of Raymond Cover, __ N.H. __ (2016) WL 748418 (decided 2/26/16) (Workers’ compensation; do part-time workers have the right to be reinstated to their jobs after an absence caused by a work injury?)
  • IMO Ball and Ball, __ N.H. __ 168 N.H. 133 (2015) (Child support; which state’s law governs modification of support orders under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act?)
  • JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA v. Grimes, __ N.H. __ 167 N.H. 536 (2015) (Landlord/tenant: Can a landlord evict a tenant because the landlord wants to sell the property in a vacant state?)
  • Leeds v. BAE Systems, 165 N.H. 376 (2013) (Wrongful termination: should the trial court have granted summary judgment on a claim of self-defense during workplace assault?)
  • IMO Regan and Regan, 164 N.H. 1 (2012) (Child support: can the trial court order an obligor to pay for medical expenses out of his self-support reserve?)
  • Appeal of Timothy Carnahan, 160 N.H. 73 (2010) (Workers’ compensation: is the law’s definition of “gainful employment” the same as the Court’s concept of “earning capacity” for purposes of finding an injured worker totally disabled?)
  • Appeal of Anheuser-Busch, Inc., 156 N.H. 677 (2008) (Workers’ compensation: will the law recognize an injured workers’ new repetitive stress injury when overlaid on an older, symptomatic injury caused by trauma?)
  • IMO State and Taylor, 153 N.H. 700 (2006) (Child support: are proceeds of a personal injury settlement considered “gross income” for purposes of calculating a child support obligation?)
  • Merchants v. Hardy, 153 N.H. 485 (2006) (insurance law: will a general liability policy preclude a claim for select damages not compensable under workers’ compensation?)
  • Berry v. Watchtower, 152 N.H. 407 (2005) (tort law: do clergy members have a statutory or common law duty to report sexual abuse of children to lay authorities?)
  • Osman v. Gagnon, 152 N.H. 359 (2005) (civil procedure: does res judicata bar counterclaims in Superior court following a final hearing in small claims court)
Jared P. O’Connor




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