If you believe that you may have a birth injury case, Shaheen & Gordon, P.A. is here to fight for the justice you deserve. Contact us to schedule an appointment with a New Hampshire birth injury lawyer. Initial consultations are completely free and confidential.
Were You or a Loved on Injured During Labor?
Nothing is more important to parents than the health of their new born child. Many parents will take numerous precautions throughout a pregnancy and devote months of care, effort and money to ensuring that their baby is born into this world happy and healthy. While unforeseen birth complications are sometimes inevitable, there are certain birth injuries or illnesses that could have been prevented had proper procedures been met. In fact, it is reported that there are more than 28,000 birth injuries per year in the United States.
If you would like to discuss your case with a compassionate New Hampshire birth injury attorney, contact Shaheen & Gordon, P.A. today.
Doctors, nurses, obstetricians, and other health-care providers are required to uphold certain standards of medical practice. This means that should their negligence or failure to meet these standards result in a birth injury, they can be held liable for compensating families for the damages that incurred. Some examples of the common types of birth injuries are:
- Erb’s palsy
- Brachial plexus injuries
- Cerebral palsy
- Facial paralysis
- Brain and spinal cord injuries
- Fetal distress (hypoxia)
Birth injury cases will always vary on a unique basis. Our firm understands that while compensation is essential to addressing the birth injuries or illnesses or to providing long-term care, these cases also involve achieving justice. Negligent medical professionals must be held liable for their careless acts, and our firm has the well-versed legal tools and strategies needed to file personal injury claims.
Comprehensive Legal Support
The legal and emotional demands that arise during birth injury claims often prove to be overwhelming for parents. As such, our firm is fully prepared to handle these highly technical, legal proceedings on your behalf, while always being available and attentive to your needs.