If you or a loved one have been the victim of sexual abuse, Shaheen & Gordon, P.A. is here to fight for the justice you deserve. Contact us to schedule an appointment with a New Hampshire sexual abuse lawyer. Initial consultations are completely free and confidential.
Sexual Assault & Harassment on Campus
New Hampshire & Maine Sexual Abuse Lawyers
The law imposes significant obligations upon educational institutions to protect students from sexual assault, harassment, bullying and stalking that interfere with the students’ educational experience. Our attorneys provide counsel to educational institutions on matters relating to their legal obligations including: the establishment of appropriate policies and procedures, assisting with employee trainings, implementing compliance programs, communicating with law enforcement, investigating complaints of unlawful activities, advising on appropriate remedial action, and defending claims and lawsuits that arise from these circumstances.
Our attorneys also represent student victims of sexual assault and harassment where an educational institution has failed to meet its legal obligation to protect them from this type of unlawful activity.
Learn more about your legal options by calling for a free consultation today. Shaheen & Gordon, P.A. serves clients throughout New Hampshire, Maine, and Northern New England.